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How Regenerative Medicine Comes in Handy when It Comes to Longevity Issues and Needs

Talking of regenerative medicine, this is an approach to health and wellness that sure allows humans to achieve much more in life in so far as abilities and health concerns go. In as much as big data and artificial intelligence have enabled transformations in how we practice medicine and in the invention of new cures, regenerative medicine comes in handy when it comes to the need to replenish, replace and rejuvenate the physical body. More on 

Read on in this blog and see some of the regenerative technologies that have indeed proved to be so effective in working harmoniously to help revitalize the vital body organs. Looking at the replenishing aspect of this, one thing that we see in this are the stem cells, which are by and large known for being the regenerative engines available in the human body. When it comes to replacement, here we see the organ regeneration and bioprinting aspect of the regenerative technology. Rejuvenation on the other hand will take us to the young blood and parabiosis aspect of the technology.

The stem cells are generally undifferentiated cells which have the ability to transform into some specialized cells like the heart, kidneys, liver, skin, neurons et cetera and they can as well divide to give more stem cells. As for the young adults and kids, the stem cells are available in high numbers and this is for the fact that they happen to be serving even as the body’s built in repair system. The stem cells are the ones that will be called into action whenever there is an injury to tissues causing inflammation or damage to restore them to normalcy. Also see Active Integrated Medical Center

This said and done, it is to be noted that aging has an effect or impact on the reserves and supply there is of the stem cells in the various body parts and organs. Added to this, it is to be noted that the stem cells as well undergo genetic mutations that in the end affect their quality and ability to repair and renovate the injured or damaged parts of the body. Actually such an effect on the stem cells may just be the reason for the accelerated rate of aging, loss of vitality and probably life as well.

The solution to this would be stem cell rejuvenation and restoration of the stem cell population. The most likely sources or parts of the body from where you may get your stem cells for the restoration needs and rejuvenation of your stem cells would be such as the bone marrow and the fat or adipose tissue even though research has shown that these may as well have mutated with age and as such not so ideal, making those from the placenta or umbilical cord being ideal as per the view of most scientists.

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